Thanks to You!

September 30, 2020
Dear Friends,
First, THANK YOU for your continued support of what we do in Caring Clowns International.
As a result of your generous support (through our “Non-Auction” Fund Raiser Letter, our recent GoFundMe project, our website donations, and matching grants) this year we have been able to award $41,500 in 16 grants. Our total given to date is $448,719 (hoping to top $500,000 by year end 2021).
With the increased need to assist disadvantaged families created by the Coronavirus pandemic, we expanded our focus to include local food banks and emergency feeding programs in South Africa. Here is a list of organizations provided grants so far this year.
- Arlington Kids’ Kloset, Snohomish, WA – Providing clothing essentials to children of low-income families
- Bremerton Foodline, Bremerton, WA
- Kent Food Bank, Kent, WA
- Kitsap Foster Care Association, Bremerton, WA
- North Kitsap Fishline Food Bank, Snohomish, WA – Providing clothing essentials to children of low-income families
- ShareNet Food Bank, Kingston, WA
- South Kitsap Helpline, Port Orchard, WA
- Side by Side Klipkop Emergency Feeding Program, South Africa (multiple grants) feeding over 1,000 families
Shortly, we will be able to give an additional $3,000 in grants. In addition, we are working with a new nonprofit in Peru,” Helping from the Heart- Peru,” providing hot meals to poor families in hill towns where there is limited cooking capability, and running water and electricity do not exist. Their near-term goal is to feed 1,000 families 2 meals a day, 5 days a week.
We hope you will continue to donate to us as you are able. Please consider a recurring monthly donation. Even a small $10/month donation (that’s $120/year) will help us make a difference in the lives of those in need. You can donate through our website www.caringclownsinternational.org, or with a check to our P.O. Box address above.
We highly value your involvement with us.
With our sincerest appreciation,
Jed “Duffy” Selter
President & Executive Director (Volunteer)
Caring Clowns International is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
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