Thanks to Rip-N-Sew For Donation
Big shout out to several members of the Sun City West, Arizona Rip ‘N Sew Club who graciously donated items and time to make rectangle bags for children in Lima, Peru. Rose the Clown, a member of the sewing club, is traveling to Peru with three other clowns from Caring Clowns International and 14 US cranio facial surgeons.
Upon hearing about this medical mission, members immediately starting sewing rectangle bags. They sewed 50 of the bags with donated fabric, zippers and items to go inside the bags which will be distributed to children at the hospital.
The clowns and the US cranio facial surgeons leave mid-January for the 11 day medical mission. This is the organization’s 15th trip to Lima with the surgeons having completed over 190 complex surgeries.
Thanks to Rip ‘N Sew members for their generosity!!
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