Play Time!
Exiting the cab and stepping out to greet families in need was one of the greatest experiences of my life. And lets just say the taxi ride in general was hilarious. So many distracted drivers as we made our way. As we stepped out children flocked us. Parents took out cameras and pushed their children into us to capture the moment. We had arrived at the Peru children’s hospital.
We made our way outside through the hospital, we walked to a room where hundreds of people were waiting. People drove miles upon miles knowing the Komedyplast team would be arriving today. This team of doctors will impact and change lives for so many needy families here. They are the real magic that happens. However the wait is long and every child needs to be present in order to be considered for surgery. Some families wait for up to 5 hours and for high energy kids, that can be brutal.
While I feel like I have the best job ever in the United States, I’m pretty sure I realized today that I have the best job ever in Peru.
Our role as clowns was to entertain the kids as they waited. We used all of our talents to make this wait painless. Some of the children were there for the first time while others were back hoping to be selected for another necessary surgery. One family wasn’t even there for surgery but was so grateful from a previous year, that they came back just to say “Thank You”. The entire day was one I will never forget.
These same children are the ones I will visit in the next few days as they are prepped, operated upon, and recover from major surgery. I’m sure that they will soon steal my heart as they have already captured it today.
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4 Responses to Play Time!
What an impact you’re having on these kids as they await surgery. You are making a difference in lives!
We are so glad that great things can be done for these kids. Sounds like you had a busy day! We will keep you and all those precious children in our thoughts and prayers.
Love mom and dad
Wow! Sounds awesome. Keep working your magic and bringing smiles to kids throughout the hospital.
Thank you for sharing this experience with all of us. Keep up your amazing work.