Recently, the Swarner Communications Group held their annual Halloween Party for military families at Olympic College in Bremerton, Washington. About 300 families attended. Flossy, Flora, LaLa and Duffy did balloon sculptures for the attendees. Kids AND their parents came in family theme costumes. It was an awesome, fun filled day.
Thanks to the World Clown Association (WCA) for their excellent feature story about Caring Clowns International which appears in the July issue of the organization’s 52-page magazine “Clowning Around.” See the attached link. The story on Caring Clowns International begins on/about Page 14. It’s a large PDF file in the middle of the page and … Continue reading World Clown Association’s Feature Story on Caring Clowns International
Caring Clowns International members LaLa and Scooter took part for the second year in the Relay for Life Survivors/ Caregivers Walk in Gig Harbor, Washington sponsored by The American Cancer Society. This year’s walk was held uptown in a loop through the outdoor shopping mall area lined with purple balloons and luminaries to honor every … Continue reading Caring Clowns International Support Relay for Life