
$542,077 Donated to Help Kids in Need

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 75 Suquamish, WA 98392
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  Big shout out to several members of the Sun City West, Arizona Rip ‘N Sew Club who graciously donated items and time to make rectangle bags for children in Lima, Peru. Rose the Clown, a member of the sewing club, is traveling to Peru with three other clowns from Caring Clowns International and 14 … Continue reading Thanks to Rip-N-Sew For Donation

    “Giving hope and joy to help heal children in their time of need. Inspire others to create a culture of kindness and mutual support in our communities.” 2018 Update Kidzz Helping Kidzz has just completed another successful toy drive to benefit children in area hospitals during the holidays. Our successes are deemed, largely … Continue reading Kidzz Helping Kidzz 2018 Update

From our Caring Clowns International Dinner-Auction last April, Emily had a gift certificate for a profession portrait with a clown. This silent auction item was generously donated by Johnny Walker, owner and photographer of Almost Candid studios in Kingston, Washington. Last Sunday, Emily and her six-year-old son Robby joined with Scooter for this fabulous portrait! … Continue reading A Portrait – Clown and Friends

Caring Clowns International is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization