There are two populations who are very child-like in their feelings, thoughts and actions. One is children with Down syndrome. The other………clowns. Put the two populations together and the result is nothing short of magical. Deb “Giggles” Foy, a practicing clown for 30 years and member of Caring Clowns International, had the inspiration to share … Continue reading A Magical Connection — Kids with Down Syndrome and Clowning
On August 22, Swarner communications who distribute Stars and Stripes to the military community hosted a Family Fun Event for military families. We had lines of kids for each of us for all 6 hours we were there – we smiled and loved every minute giving back to those that protect our country. After the … Continue reading Family Fun Event 2015
The 2015 mission to Peru was a great success, both for the doctor’s effort and for the clowns who brought joy to numerous kids. This was the 10th Anniversary of Komedyplast performing craniofacial surgeries in Peru – all at the single public children’s hospital in the country- Hospital Del Nino in Lima. While in Lima, … Continue reading Peru with Komedyplast 2015