Life can be a surprise.
Yesterday we wrapped up our time in Peru with our final clown show at a free clinic. Nothing went right at all, yet I loved everything about it. I think it all started when we reached our destination and I stepped out of the van to be caught by two women because my clown shoes slipped out from under me. It was quite funny to see and luckily the two women who arranged our schedule for the week, both put out a hand and caught me before I fell.
We unloaded the van and put our backpacks on the stairs so we could start the show. Scooter was ill so it was just us, the three remaining clowns. We started with a magic trick that the wind took and blew them out of the magic bag which spoiled part of the trick. Then in the middle of our second gag, the snakes jumped out of the Pringles can before the skit was even half way over, showing kids what the punch line would be. Finally on our last attempt to save the show with a funny skit, we did the enlarging machine. Another gust of wind came by and blew the curtain of which I was hiding behind and all of the kids saw my props. Needless to say, we laughed about our misfortune and attempt as having a well planned show. It was just not meant to be.
When I think about my life and my big “life plan” I never would’ve guessed that it would’ve included clowning in Peru. How that came about was through a variety of decisions I said “yes” to. I never would’ve guessed that my life would include meeting 12 top surgeons from all over the United States and working on a team with them in order to help children. In fact, looking back I doubt that Jeff the founder of Komedyplast had any idea how much his non-profit would impact the children of Peru. Life is a surprise and you always have to be ready.
Yesterday is a great example of a surprise. When we arrived back at our hotel, an official from the President of Peru was sitting in our lobby. He came to recognize all of the work and efforts Komedyplast and Caring Clowns International have been doing to improve the lives of children in Peru. The country has been so appreciative that they sent someone in uniform over to tell us. Everyone walked away with an official certificate signed by the President of Peru. It was truly a magical ending to such an amazing trip but not because of the certificates. Because someone took the time to appreciate us in person.
Jeff and I happened to be on the same flight home. We talked about the trip and how spectacular it was. He had no idea that it would be concluded on such a high note. He had no idea about the ceremony or that his efforts would be recognized. He was glowing. Glowing with excitement that he should be so very proud of.
You see, this all began with a simple idea that he turned into a reality. This reality has caused life changes in not only children who needed surgery but adults who gave of their time and talents, on the flip side.
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5 Responses to Life can be a surprise.
Dear Penpal…yeth it is me, Duffy.
CoCo, Scooter and I, the three clowns traveling with you (for your readers to know- my guess is you remember or names ).. Are so appreciative of all your work and care with us this trip. Your contributions were immense in everything we did.
You were a clown star in your own right.
Thank you, Dear, you are amazing !
Yeth, me, Duffy (yer clown Dad)
Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I so love your positive attitude, your ability to make life fun for others, and your ability to love. You never cease to amaze me.
No matter where you are, Julie, you serve others and make a difference!
Very cool, Julie!!
Hi Duffy and team! I just had a chance to finally read your notes about your trip to Peru!You still got laughs with your comedy of errors! I am so glad you are continuing to make a difference in Peru whether you are “recognized” or not. Congrats on your your recognition by the President. I miss you guys and wish we lived nearer. Keep up your GREAT work. :0)