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Last day in Peru

Our last day in Peru was a long one; we began with a 6AM (EST) wake up, packed out our rooms, got in clown drove 2 hours through the traffic to a shanty town up high above Lima. We arrived at the top of this shanty area and piled out into a school that was no larger than most American bedrooms. The kids were great we clowned made balloons and generally had fun.  It seemed even more special because we knew it was our last clown gig in Peru this trip.

When it was over we all stood in the courtyard and smiled at each other because we knew we had done some good in this country, no matter how small.

We drove (yes 2 hours) back to our hotel showered, declowned and finished packing. Then off to Pizza Hut for a last meal.


One Response to Last day in Peru

  1. Steve Bownds says:

    That day sounds absolutely incredible and the photos are similarly mind blowing! a big ‘Well done’ for the good work you guys ahve done there!

    » Reply

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Caring Clowns International is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization