He’s Off! … And Thinking
Up early (hardly slept)
Now walking the airport corridors to the gate…
Thinking – first time traveling solo in years
(Normally with family or a “giggle” of clowns to
some exotic place)
Thinking – the eleven days ahead
At sea with working sailors and their families
Thinking – we’ve clowned for thousands of returning
Service personnel and their families
Thinking – Aside from any political opinions on
“righteous war,” et al,
These people are defenders for us all
They consciously put themselves in harm’s way,
leave their families and a “normal” life,
do their jobs (most, routinely fourteen or more
hours a day)
In no small sense of the word,
Each in his/her own way is a warrior on our behalf
When you next see a Soldier, Sailor, Marine, Airman/woman,
Coastguardsman/woman, Veteran…
Thank them…
…Go out of your way to thank them
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