Day one

Well the first day is complete.
We spent about 5 1/2 hours clowning with children at the hospital. We were in a medium size auditorium type room, and we clowned inside and outside the hospital compound while families waited to see the medical teams.
Pelukyta set up a stage and ran a full on show, we each were featured in a part. He is good!
We spent a lot of time clowning outdoors, balloon making, juggling and teaching children that pigs are really chickens.

An awesome day, great things happening here and more to come.
We are so lucky to be included in the magic that will happen this week.

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4 Responses to Day one
Wow! This is so great to be able to stay up to date! About how many kids did the doctors select for surgeries?
Saved as a favorite, I really like your blog! 🙂
Im FINALLY home from Peru…all the clowns were amazing….wheres my shoes Pelukyta??? A person will never know the TRUE meaning of a backseat driver UNTIL their backseat driver is from Caring Clowns International!! Keith!