Continuing to Make a Difference

February 3, 2021
As many of you are aware, in April 2020, because of the COVID – 19 pandemic, and the need for emergency food to disadvantaged families, we at Caring Clowns International focused our donation giving to help feed people in need.
Our grants are typically small, between $1,000-3,000, but they can make a significant impact.
From the beginning of 2020, we donated a total of $41,750 (including matching donations) in 17 grants to nonprofits. In April, we began focusing our grants on emergency feeding programs. Since then, we have donated $35,000 for emergency feeding in South Africa and in Washington State. So far in 2021, we have donated $9,000 to these nonprofits for feeding.
When we provide funds to another nonprofit, we request a letter back to us confirming how the funds have been spent. Recently we received three notable responses…
From Side by Side’s emergency feeding program in South Africa:
“The pandemic is raging for a 2nd round in South Africa. So far, we have been able to supply our 10 teams there with 89 delivery rounds averaging about 150 families each round. We expect to begin another round after January 31, 2021.” (where our recent $3,000 will be applied).
From South Kitsap Helpline:
“Last year (2020) our agency was able to distribute 1,012,925 pounds of food to local low-income households in need. That wouldn’t be possible without generosity like yours.”
From the Bremerton Foodline:
“Your donation helped us in meeting the needs of our communities and populations whose situations have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Support from donors like you enabled us to serve over 590 households per month, which supported over 16,000 individuals per month in 2020. Also, we were able to provide over 1,200 kids’ bags and 550 holiday baskets during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season.”
Of course, our ability to help is totally because of your continuing support to us.
From all of us at Caring Clowns International, we cannot thank you enough.
The Board of Directors
Caring Clowns International
Caring Clowns International is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
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One Response to Continuing to Make a Difference
Great work Clowns. Clowns make a difference with all they support in food and other donations, but most of all is the clown to person contact the clown makes in enriching someone’s life. Will be glad when you can get back to doing this along with the food lines and emergency feeding program, and all the other programs Caring Clowns supports.