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Chicken salad, Starbucks and Kids

So first off, do not eat the chicken salad sandwiches at the corner store in Lima. Through bad translation skills Duffy and I ended up with chicken salad sandwiches. The end of the story

Clowns hiding on the Eight floor

is not so good, we both came down with a mild case(depends on who you ask) of “revenge”. The docs took care of us and we are both feeling better today and able to clown.

After we got dressed this morning Banjo and I decided to walk to Starbucks at 630 on a Monday morning.(in full clown) we got there and walked in but they were not open until 7AM .Really? How can they run a country when SB isn’t open till 7 🙂

Alfredo and Duffy blending in
Wonderful family at the clinic

Our day at the hospital was wonderful,we clowned on the wards, with the kids, we had hundreds of little pony and Mr.Potato head dolls to give away. Then we spent 2 hours clowning in this large open courtyard at the hospital, we juggled, clowned, Banjo did magic, and we made a lot (no really we made a lot of them) of balloon dogs and flowers as fast as we could.
Non of us(except Pelikyto) is fluent in Spanish, but we got the message through. that we were there t ohelp and make people smile, and i think we did.

We not only clowned with the kids but also in the offices, I personally walked in to the Director General of teh hopsitla an clowned wit h his assistants amnd him, it is amazing what you can get a way with in clown.

Our day ended around 3, and we trudged (in a vehicle) back to the hotel and showers ad n some snackies by the pool.

5 Responses to Chicken salad, Starbucks and Kids

  1. Debra Ticknor says:

    Good to know you are feeling better! No clowning about the time difference & coffee. I am sure you all are making lots of new friends & many smiles on the faces of those special children. Keep up the good work. Deb

    » Reply
  2. Alfredo says:

    Thanks Deb,
    It was a good day, we all touched some kids and families. I was great

    » Reply
  3. clipper says:

    Tell everyone hi from me. I miss peru a lot.

    » Reply
  4. Buck says:

    Superb information, incredible website template, keep up the great work

    » Reply

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