
$542,077 Donated to Help Kids in Need

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Category Archives: Peru2011


A good day! clowns from Seattle, Virginia and London getting to know each other. Lunch at Pizza Hut, and dinner at the hotel. Alfredo & Banjo spent an hour practicing juggling in the courtyard of the hotel, entertaining the guest and themselves. Good night sleep Tomorrow is the day that families from around Peru bring … Continue reading Together

Clowns traveling

Stewardess on clown air As we wing our way from snowy Seattle to our first stop in Atlanta, the stewardess are pushing the carts of drinks up and down the aisle with balloon flower arrangements in the ice buckets and balloon corsages on their wrists. We made balloon animals and corsages for the kids on … Continue reading Clowns traveling


So now for the serious stuff. The medical professionals we are accompanying to Peru make up Komedyplast; a group of medical professionals who are making a difference! In their own words.”By combining medical services provided by volunteer physicians and nurses with a volunteer entertainment team, the primary mission of Komedyplast is to make a lasting … Continue reading Komedyplast

Caring Clowns International is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization