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Author Archives: Sidekick

Some Perspective

Hiaphong was the next destination on our travels through Vietnam. Staying at a local hotel near the city’s centre, we took a short motorbike ride to the second destination on Xain’s schedule: Hoa Phuong Orphanage. Little did I know, my experience at this centre would leave a lasting impression. Once again, we worked through the … Continue reading Some Perspective

The Clown Effect: It’s Universal!

And so it was the first day on our planned schedule of visiting various orphanages in the North of Vietnam. First stop on our route: Peace Village. Located within the country’s capital Hanoi, Peace Village was a large, well developed centre with a spacious playground and well constructed classrooms and teaching facilities. It provided a … Continue reading The Clown Effect: It’s Universal!

Vietnam: We’ve made it!!!

A train journey, two plane journeys, and a taxi ride on the capital’s manic streets, and we’ve made it to our first stop in Vietnam- Hanoi! One crazy fast paced city, with lots going on, and definatley unique from anywhere I’ve been in the world. I’ll be travelling around the country of Vietnam over the … Continue reading Vietnam: We’ve made it!!!

Caring Clowns International is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization