
$542,077 Donated to Help Kids in Need

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 75 Suquamish, WA 98392
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Day one

The morning meeting

Well the first day is complete.
We spent about 5 1/2 hours clowning with children at the hospital. We were in a medium size auditorium type room, and we clowned inside and outside the hospital compound while families waited to see the medical teams.
Pelukyta set up a stage and ran a full on show, we each were featured in a part. He is good!
We spent a lot of time clowning outdoors, balloon making, juggling and teaching children that pigs are really chickens.

Pelukyta doing a show

An awesome day, great things happening here and more to come.
We are so lucky to be included in the magic that will happen this week.

Authentic Peruvian Hat

4 Responses to Day one

  1. Tracie says:

    Wow! This is so great to be able to stay up to date! About how many kids did the doctors select for surgeries?

    » Reply
  2. Henrik says:

    Saved as a favorite, I really like your blog! 🙂

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  3. limewire says:


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  4. keith says:

    Im FINALLY home from Peru…all the clowns were amazing….wheres my shoes Pelukyta??? A person will never know the TRUE meaning of a backseat driver UNTIL their backseat driver is from Caring Clowns International!! Keith!

    » Reply

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Caring Clowns International is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization