Monthly Archives: August 2017
Zachary’s Presentation at East Bremerton Rotary Club
The founder of Kidzz Helping Kidzz, 7 year-old Zachary, was the key note speaker at the East Bremerton Rotary Club last week. This was Zachary’s first time public speaking, but you would have never known it. He was cool, calm and collected. Most impressively, when he had the Q&A, his answers belied that he is … Continue reading Zachary’s Presentation at East Bremerton Rotary Club
Touch A Truck Event in Poulsbo
Ever been to a Touch A Truck event? Boy are they cool…all sizes of little kids sitting high up in monster vehicles behind huge steering wheels, feet dangling, not touching the floor. These events are put on in various communities around the country during the summer. Some are fund raisers for community projects, others are … Continue reading Touch A Truck Event in Poulsbo
Clowning for Young and Old in Poulsbo
Late last week, Flossy and Scooter had a wonderful time clowning with both young and old at the Annual Intergenerational Carnival held at Martha and Mary! Martha and Mary, in Poulsbo, Washington, was established in 1891. The organization provides many services for seniors and children including: independent and assisted senior living, rehabilitation care, long term … Continue reading Clowning for Young and Old in Poulsbo