
$542,077 Donated to Help Kids in Need

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 75 Suquamish, WA 98392
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Monthly Archives: February 2013

A baby to love!

Today we woke up early and took a taxi to the hospital. We had the best taxi driver ever. As we drove through town, we caused other motorists to once again notice us. Today the reason they were looking at us was because the driver turned the radio way up which caused 4 clowns to … Continue reading A baby to love!

Play Time!

Exiting the cab and stepping out to greet families in need was one of the greatest experiences of my life. And lets just say the taxi ride in general was hilarious. So many distracted drivers as we made our way. As we stepped out children flocked us. Parents took out cameras and pushed their children … Continue reading Play Time!

Power of the Human Spirit

I have arrived! As I flew here “Trouble with the curve” was playing. Although I have seen it before I was happy to view it again because I realized that it relates a lot to this trip. If you are unfamiliar with the movie, Clint Eastwood’s character could be described as someone who is VERY … Continue reading Power of the Human Spirit

Caring Clowns International is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization